Unclaimed Asset Investigations

Valdes Investigation Group is inspired by the passion of helping others by assisting in the return of lost/unclaimed assets to people. Our research team searches thousands of databases to find stale/lost/unclaimed money/assets and locate who we believe to be the rightful owners. Most of the time these assets go unclaimed because the agency or institution holding the money is unable to determine the rightful owners. Through our research and analyst team we locate the rightful heirs and assist them in the legal process of claiming what is rightfully yours.


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Insurance Investigations
Employee Investigations
Background Reports
Surveillance Investigations
Debt Collections

Unclaimed Asset Investigation

Private detectives are often retained to conduct research into financial matters and to track down money that may belong to individuals. Private eyes should be familiar with the services provided by state organizations such as the Department of Revenue, State Treasury, State Controller, Comptroller, and other financial administrators. 


Research Investigation

Investigators can conduct research in order to find information about companies that you do business with for acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures, venture capital, private equity, and investments. They can also perform in-depth employee background checks.


Do You Have Money Waiting?

About 60 Billion Dollars is available with state governments, financial institutions, and/or companies. The most common unclaimed money is ‘no owner contact’ for forgotten checking and savings accounts, as well as security deposits, IRS unclaimed refunds, uncollected insurance checks, and even inheritance that is simply sitting; untouched.


No Out of pocket cost

You were probably skeptical before you came to this beautiful website and you may still be uncertain if you don’t check us out online or come into our office.  You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.  Check To see your funds today. 


Book A Discovery CaLL

A corporate investigation is the thorough investigation of a corporation or business in order to uncover wrongdoing committed by management, employees, or third parties. There are many aspects of corporate investigations and they can vary significantly based on your needs.

Unclaimed Asset Investigations

Unclaimed property laws have been around since at least the 1940s, but have become much broader and more enforced in the last 20 years. It is one of the original consumer protection programs in the United States.

Certificate of Deposits (CDs)

Forgotten apartment security deposits

Forgotten or unused bank accounts

Insurance checks or refunds

HUD/FHA mortgage insurance funds

Lost or forgotten uncashed checks

Mineral royalty payments

Mineral royalty payments

Safe deposit boxes

Trust funds and probate

Tax refunds & more

Utility security deposits

Stocks & Bonds

Dividends & Mutual Funds

Interest on past purchases

Secure Client Communication

We understand your case is extremely sensitive and confidential, which is why we make sure that your data is safe and secure.


Case detailsCase detailsCase detailsssdfwefbhgwe/343545
  • Important Case Details
  • Client communication
  • Videos, Photos, Etc.
  • All Case Documents
  • Easy to manage dashboard
Case detailsCase detailsCase detailsssdfwefbhgwe/343545
  • Access to case data
  • Geolocation based activity
  • Mobile time & distance tracking of P.I.’s
  • Time and expense tracking

Frequently Asked questions


Private Investigator Near Me

Are your investigation confidential?

All of our investigations are always confidential. Our findings and documentation are provided to pertinent legal parties only, and only at the time of legal discovery or proceedings.

How will surveillance help my business?

There is simply no better investigative method to determine a person’s whereabouts, habits, work location, and physical activities/abilities than surveillance. If you are unsure whether surveillance can help, give us a call. Our initial phone consultations are always free.

What is surveillance by an investigator?

A surveillance investigator gathers information about a person, or subject, at the center of an investigation. Surveillance investigators may work as a company employee or contractor and often use wiretaps, concealed cameras, and other surveillance tools to complete investigations.

What is an asset check?

Asset checks can reveal real estate property, vehicles, watercraft, aircraft, large pieces of equipment, trailers, and more.

What do you mean by corporate/employee misconduct investigations?

There are many activities that can fall under corporate or employee misconduct, but generally, they involve illegal activities and/or activities that violate the policies and/or procedures of the business. If you have a question regarding a potential misconduct investigation, give us a call today.

Do you conduct due diligence/background investigations?

Due diligence background investigations for many needs to include mergers, acquisitions, investments, and in litigation. If you are unsure how Valdes Investigation Group can help, give us a call.

Our Pricing Plans

Being one of the nation’s oldest private investigation groups, we have created customized affordable packages for all our investigation services offered.  Please fill our our form below then book a meeting for a free discovery call. 


How To Get Started 


Book A Free Discovery Call


Sign Contract & Pay Retainer


We Start Our Investigation